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·         Swethapriya, a layer for small scale intensive and rural poultry was developed. The bird has white plumage with brown/black spots and has potential to lay close to 200 eggs under scavenging conditions. It is particularly popular in Kerala and other regions.


·         A promising broiler cross with promising body weight was developed with PB-1 and Naked neck chickens

·         Low cost alternate feed ingredients to maize (fox tail millet, pearl millet or tanning free sorghum) and soyabean meal (sunflower cake or low glucosinalate mustard cake or up to 67% with til cake) for use in broiler and layer diet without affecting the performance

·         Cost effective phytase, cholecalciferol or organic acids supplementation for releasing bound phosphorus from phytate of plant feed ingredients

·         Effective and economic ways of detoxifying karanj cake with Isopropanol and mycotoxins with dietary manipulations in broiler diet

·         Microsatellite marker based genotyping technique (non-radioactive method) for molecular characterization of chicken lines

·         Molecular typing of birds with non-radioactive single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) technique

·         PCR based assays for detection and differentiation of Mareks disease virus and Avian Leukosis virus

·         Duplex PCR for detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae

·         PCR-RFLP method for differentiation of field strains of M gallisepticum from vaccine strains of Mycoplasma gallisepticum

·     Thermostabe Newcastle disease virus vaccine for control of Newcastle disease in rural poultry

Last Updated on Saturday, 26 August 2017 17:09  


This website belongs to Directorate of Poultry Research of INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India