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Integrated Moringa farming with backyard poultry

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Field demonstration unit on “Integrated Moringa farming with backyard poultry” established

ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad has successfully established a Field Demonstration Unit on "Integrated Moringa Farming with Backyard Poultry" in the adopted tribal village of Baoji Thanda, located in Mahbubnagar District, Telangana. A progressive farmer dedicated 0.25 acres of his land to this initiative. The Unit was inaugurated by Dr. R.N. Chatterjee, Director, on 9th January 2024.

To ensure biosecurity, the land was enclosed with chain link fencing, and a high-density Moringa plantation using ODC-3 variety was implemented, maintaining a spacing of 1.3 ft. between two ridges and 0.7 ft. between two plants. A total of 100 Gramapriya birds, a rural layer chicken variety, were provided by the Directorate and reared in this unit under a free-scavenging system, utilizing resources from the unit such as fallen Moringa leaves, plant materials, insects, worms, ants, flies, etc. Additionally, the birds were supplemented with poultry feed and dry Moringa leaves. This feeding regimen significantly improved survivability under backyard conditions. Nighttime shelter facilities were provided, ensuring 1.8 to 2.0 sq. ft. of space per bird.

During his address, the Director, Dr. R.N. Chatterjee, emphasized the benefits of integrated farming as a better approach to farmland management. Growing Moringa provides high-quality protein feed (22-24% CP) for the birds, leading to a substantial reduction in the cost of chicken production. This makes the venture highly profitable and viable for the farming community. The event witnessed the participation of about 60 farmers from the village, along with scientists and technical staff from the Directorate. The program was coordinated by Dr. R. K. Mahapatra, Pr. Scientist, Dr. B. Prakash, Pr. Scientist and Dr. S. K. Bhanja, Chief Technical Officer of this Directorate.

Integrated Moringa Farming with Backyard Poultry Integrated Moringa Farming with Backyard Poultry


Integrated Moringa Farming with Backyard Poultry Integrated Moringa Farming with Backyard Poultry

ICAR Web News: https://icar.org.in/establishment-field-demonstration-unit-integrated-moringa-farmimg 


Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha

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Inputs distributed to tribal farmers of Odisha under TSP/DAPSTC Program

 ICAR-DPR Regional Station, Bhubaneswar, organised an awareness program and distributed ducklings and feed to 25 tribal farmers of Garabanda Village (Kandhamal, Odisha) under the TSP/ DAPSTC program. Twenty ducklings (3-4 weeks old) and 20 kg of starter feed were provided to each tribal farmer. CDVO, SDVO & Deputy Director, ADVO (Kandhamal) of State Animal Husbandry Department, Dr. S.K.Bhanja, Head of RS, DPR and local body representatives graced the occasion. A total of 50 tribal farmers participated. An awareness program on duck farming was conducted at Alami village (Kandhamal district, Odisha)  on 24th Nov 2023 and about 50 farmers participated. Dr.MK Padhi, Pr. Scientist and the TSP Team coordinated the program.  Dr S K Sahoo  Principal Scientist also attended the meeting.

Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha   Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha
Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha  Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha



MoU signed with Karnataka Poultry Farmers & Breeders Association

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MoU signed with Karnataka Poultry Farmers & Breeders Association

ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad signed an MoU with the Karnataka Poultry Farmers & Breeders Association to promote collaborative research on 21-11-2023. The agreements were signed and exchanged by Dr.R.N.Chatterjee, Director, DPR and Mr. Naveen Pasuparthy, President, KPFBA, Karnataka. Members of Management Committee, Karnataka Poultry Farmers & Breeders Association (KPFBA) interacted with the scientists of the Directorate. Dr M.R.Reddy, Incharage, IMTU coordinated the program.

MoU signed with Karnataka Poultry Farmers & Breeders Association
MoU signed with Karnataka Poultry Farmers & Breeders Association

Vigilance Awareness Week 2023

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Vigilance Awareness Week 2023

 Pledge on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023

Vigilance Awareness Week 2023

PIDPI posters displayed in the office campus


TOLIC-2 Hindi Workshop at DPR

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नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्‍वयन समिति-2 के तत्‍वावधान में

कुक्‍कुट अनुसंधान निदेशालय में तकनीकी हिंदी कार्यशाला संपन्न

भा.कृ.अनु.प. कुक्कुट अनुसंधान ननदेशालय, राजेंद्रनगर, हैदराबाद में नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्‍वयन समिति (नराकास-2) के तत्‍वावधान में तकनीकी हिंदी कार्यशाला का आयोजन दिनांक 4 अक्‍तूबर, 2023 को किया गया। कार्यशाला का शुभारंभ गणशे वंदना से हुआ। कार्यशाला के मुख्य अतिथि डॉ. आर.पी. शर्मा, पूर्व निदेशक, डीपीआर तथा डॉ. आर.एन. चटर्जी, निदेशक, डीपीआर तथा नराकास-2 की सदस्य सचीव श्रीमती अनीता पांडे ने दीप प्रज्वलित किया।

मंचासीन अनिथि श्रीमती अनिता पांडे, सहायक ननदेशक (राजभाषा) तथा सदस्य सचिव  (नराकास–2) ने इस कार्यशाला में नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्‍वयन  समिति के गठन के उद्देश्य की विस्‍तृत जानकारी दी। उन्होंने यह भी बताया कि विभिन्‍न कार्यालयो में आयोजित तकनीकी विषयोंपर हिंदी कार्यशालाओं से नराकास के सदस्‍य कार्यलयों के अधिकारी/कर्मचारी किस प्रकार लाभान्वित होते हैं।

कार्यक्रम के अगले चरण में डीपीआर की हिंदी, तामिल, तेलुगु भाषाओँ में प्रकाशित  बहुभाषी विवरणिका को अतिथियों के करकमलों से लोकार्पित किया गया।

मुख्‍य अतिथ के रूप में उपसित डॉ. आर.पी.शर्मा ने हिंदी के संबंध में अपने अनुीाव ताजा किए तथा कुक्‍कुट निदेशालय द्वारा किए जा रहे कार्यों की प्रशसा की। उन्‍होंने बताया कि समाज का जो हमारा एलाइट ग्रूप है उन्‍हें अंग्रेजी की मानसिकता को हटाकर हिंदी भाषा की मानसिकताबनानी होगी तभी हम सही मायने में हिंदी को आगे बढ़ा सकते हैं।

डॉ. आर.एन.चटर्जी, निदेशक ने निदेशालय की गतिविधियोंसे संबंधित विस्‍तृत जानकारी प्रस्‍तुत की। उन्‍होंने कार्यालय के वैज्ञानिकों और कर्मियोंद्वारा किए जा रहे कार्यों की सराहना की तथा सभी को बताया कि कितनी बार उनकाकार्यालय हिंदी के उत्‍कृष्‍ट कार्योंके लिए सम्‍मानित हो चुका है।

इसके बाद निदेशालय के डॉ.एस.पी.यादव,प्रधान वैज्ञानिक ने कुक्‍कुट अनुसंधान में नई खोज एवं कुक्‍कुटों के प्रकार उनकी प्रकृति और प्रजनन, निषेचन और उनके आहार के बारे में विस्‍तारपूर्वक जानकारी पर पीपीटी प्रस्‍तुतीकरण दिया और उपस्थित सदयों द्वारा पूछे गए प्रश्‍नों का भी समाधान दिया।

अंतत: श्री जे. श्रीनिवास राव, सहायक मुख्‍य तकनीकी अधिकारी, ने धन्‍यवाद ज्ञापन प्रस्‍तुत किया। एनआईआरडीपीआर तथा डीपीआर के अधिकारी/कर्मचारियों ने इस तकनीकी कार्यशाला के आयोजन में सहयोग प्रदान किया।

Hindi pakvada 2023   Hindi pakvada 2023
Hindi pakvada 2023

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This website belongs to Directorate of Poultry Research of INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India